gummy smile stamford. Those whose gummy smiles are a result of enlarged gum tissue would benefit from Botox. gummy smile stamford

 Those whose gummy smiles are a result of enlarged gum tissue would benefit from Botoxgummy smile stamford  Jennie’s delighted smile

If you would rather speak directly to one of our Appointment Coordinators, please call: Fullerton – (714) 526-3331. Causes. Invisalign retainers can cost anywhere from $400 to $1,000. A gummy smile is a condition in which there is excessive exposure of the maxillary. If your smile is misaligned, then getting started with braces can help. This study aimed to present an organized and comprehensive clinical classification of the GS, as well as to discuss a therapeutic approach. As a holistic dentist, Dr. Gummy smile care varies from case to case and is determined by the condition's etiology and patient preferences. Achieve a confident, balanced smile. Orthodontic Treatment. The result is an overall impression of a larger mouth. You are on the right track to have orthodontics first--this will widen your smile and greatly improve it. anneylani • 4 yr. A gummy smile can make your teeth look worn or underdeveloped. Causes of Gummy Smile. 4) Surgical Options. How to diagnose gummy smile?Conclusions. Gumminess caused by excess gum tissue that obscures the crowns of the teeth is correctable with a periodontal plastic surgery (“peri” – around; “odont” – tooth) technique called “crown lengthening. Treatments for Gummy Smiles. It can cause the gums to appear too large when you smile. Diaspro A, Cavallini M, Sito G, Patrizia P. This is the traditional way to fix a gummy smile and has been around for many years. If you have noticed by now, most of the causes of a gummy smile are either connected to your lip, gum, or teeth. It demonstrates the possibility of total maxillary arch intrusion with TADs to correct gummy smiles in adult patients with vertical maxillary excess. The pink, shiny gumline of a grin is only seen if your top lip isn’t long enough to cover the teeth or you’re very expressive. 2-5 After surgical crown lengthening, some soft. . The killer combo of Jennie’s smile + a cute headband is almost too much to bear. Braces. We specialize in creating positive vibes and bringing a smile to your face with quality oil and terpenes, lab tested for safety. Edward Shukovsky, D. During smiling, the upper lip moves upward to allow the upper teeth and a small portion of the upper gums to show. We’ll help you on your way to an enviable smile. Orthodontic treatment. A gummy smile or a gummy smile is a condition where the upper gum is too exposed when smiling, leading to a loss of aesthetics and reduced confidence in communication. A. It is thus up to the patient to de-cide whether his or her gummy smile looks displeasing. Crown lengthening is usually performed to improve the health of the gum tissue, prepare the mouth for a procedure, or correct a “gummy smile”. people & hence people with gummy smiles. These are actually the key components that contribute to a. During this procedure, the excess gum tissues and underlying bone are reshaped to expose. The excess gum tissue was removed and that brought a more natural balance to their smiles. Removing the frenal attachment. A gingivectomy. Cat Begovic on tonight's all-new episode, and the plastic surgeon listened as Brooke recounted her life story. Watch on. GMOs or high fructose corn syrup. Essix retainers generally cost between $50 and $200, and Hawley replacement retainers cost between $150 and $300 to replace. Twin- blocks were planed for accelerating the mandibular growth. Materials and methods: Ten orthodontic patients were taken from the department of orthodontics and dentofacial. However, the presence of more than 2-3mm of gum display as a continuous band on speech or normal smiling is a characteristic of gummy smile and. Gummy smile, also known as excessive gingival display, is a common esthetic problem that patients increasingly ask their orthodontists to treat. Book Appointment. Relatively low cost. There are many idols in the K-Pop industry known for their beautiful smiles. Your Gilbert, Arizona Dentistry Specialist, conveniently located at: 1355 South Higley Road #119, Gilbert, AZ 85296. In addition, the frenal attachment can play its part in your gummy smile. Orthodontics: Intrudes over erupted teeth and levels them to correct position so that it eliminates gingival display. The upper lip is short and the naso-labial angle is closed. If you’ve been bothered by your gummy smile for a while, you may have been searching for a solution for quite some time. Answer: Gummy Smile Correction, Then Veeners. Caution, they are highly. Laser Gum Lifting from our Stamford and Fairfield County. The cost of replacement retainers will depend on the type of retainer you get and whether you get it in-office or online. When pulling teeth with teeth, only so much is possible. The course will teach delegates how to carry out powerful and effective non-surgical correction of gummy smiles using Ormco’s Damon Ultima System. Hypermobile lips might reveal more than just their joy – they could also show off how big (or small) one’s mouth can be. Roshe, DDS. However, there have been studies to determine what people. Among many causes behind your gummy smile, the most common ones are as follows: Your gums may be long or enlarged. Background Gummy smile (GS) is a nonpathological condition causing esthetic disharmony in which an excessive amount of gingival tissue is exposed when smiling. Talk about a sweet smile! 2-3. Davis explain what causes a gummy smile and how the GumTuk™ Procedure can give you an aesthetically ideal smile. 1. A gummy smile (GS) affects the esthetic and the psychological status as it usually decreases the self-confidence leading to hidden or controlling the smile. High lip line. Best fresh breath whitening solution: Smile Avenue whitening strips. Dentistry by Dr. 10 Julianne Moore. The treatment of gummy smile should be planned according to its cause/causes. Treatment for Gummy Smile in Plano, TX. Ukuran bibir atas yang lebih kecil dapat membuat gusi lebih terekspos saat tersenyum. 2. Introduction Gummy smile in terms of soft tissue paradigm. Cuspid Smile. Only a moderate gummy smile of alveolar origin responds to isolated orthodontic treatment. Dental professionals generally define a gummy smile as having more than three millimeters of exposed gum. A gummy smile refers to a smile where there’s an excessive display of the upper gum, aka gingival tissue (1). Short, stubby-looking teeth can. Typically only periodontists perform this procedure, but Plano area dentist Dr. In these cases, crown lengthening is performed to remove excess gum so that more of tooth structure is exposed. An upper lip that is too short. The dentists of Esthetique Dentistry offer quality dental treatment to patients in Ashburn, VA, Frederick, MD, and Stamford, CT. Introduction; First Visit; Why Choose Our PracticeThe gummy smile, also known as a high smile, is defined as a 2-4mm gingival exposure when smiling, in other words, it is the excessive visualization of the gums when one smiles. Giuseppe Fiore, MD Physician. Showing a greater proportion of gum above. They are found in 10. Individuals with GS are often embarrassed to smile. J. 843. While a gummy smile is usually considered a cosmetic issue rather than a. For most patients, genetics plays a role in gummy smile via a combination of large jaw, small teeth, and/or a short upper lip. Book Appointment. Gummy Smile reshaping or crown lengthening procedure, is performed for cosmetic reasons. Aim: The purpose of the study was to evaluate the efficacy of infrazygomatic (IZ) implants along with mini-implants for full-arch distalization of maxilla and reduction of gummy smile in patients with class II division I malocclusion. Orthodontic Treatment: $2,000–$10,000+ for in-office treatment, $895–$3,500+ for at-home or hybrid clear aligners. A new technique is proposed in this study to correct the gummy smile (GS) with myotomy, combining lip repositioning with the insertion of polyester threads at the surgical site to act as a. Throughout the years, several smile-related esthetic factors have been evaluated by many authors: maxillary incisor position, smile arc, smile index, midline deviation, incisal plane canting, and gingival display. Take a peek at some of our before and after pictures! Request your appointment. Braces treatment. Visit Our Gummy Smiles Page! Looking for Botox for Gummy Smile providers in Stamford, CT? See top providers, read unbiased reviews from real people, check out prices, and ask questions at RealSelf. 8734 Menu. 31 Figure 6 Injection points. The appearance of the nose has worsened as a result of widening of the nostril tips. A gummy smile treatment with lasers is a procedure used to correct excessive gingival display that affects the appearance of your smile. Dibanding pria, perempuan lebih sering. This Botox injection is intended to act on the muscles around the mouth and suppress its activity. The form of the lips and the position of lips during speech and smiling cannot be changed easily, but the dentist can modify/control the form of the teeth, interdental papilla, and position of the gingival margin. Costs range from $50 to $350 for one tooth or up to $3,000 for all of your front top teeth. Click through the photo gallery to the right to get a tour of our modern and comfortable dental office. Dec 6, 2019 - Explore S A N's board "Yoongi's gummy smile" on Pinterest. A highly effective cosmetic dentistry treatment, gum recontouring, or crown lengthening, makes your teeth appear longer and your gums appear shorter, though your teeth will stay the same size. Thank you for. Danbury Square. This procedure removes some of the excess gum tissue surrounding the teeth, restructuring the gum line so it is higher and more of the teeth visible. Aim and objective: To determine the effect of botulinum toxin type-A (BTX-A) in reducing gummy smile. Many times, showing excessive gums when smiling can make patients feel self-conscious about their smile and contributes to low self-confidence. Braces and Invisalign bring teeth and jaws back into their ideal alignment. In the early 1980s, Tjan and Miller1 evaluated dental and gingival display and classified smile types according to the amount. Many factors can lead to a. Bakeman. Here, 10 astonishing celebrity before-and-afters—with expert commentary by Dr. This can lead to self-consciousness and impact an individual’s confidence in their appearance. A March 2014 study in Aesthetic Surgery Journal. Suburban. The cost of replacement retainers will depend on the type of retainer you get and whether you get it in-office or online. Here are some of the simple ways of correcting a gummy smile. 614. The present study aimed to compare the results of two approaches used in the management of GS in a group of Egyptian females. 71 reviews. If you’re looking for the best dentist in Westchester who practices everything from cosmetic dentistry to oral surgery, root canals, and orthodontics, you’ll find this with Dr. Greenwich CT Periodontist Dr. 6% and is more frequent in women and young people. We understand that no two smiles are alike, and strive to deliver personalized solutions tailored to your. 3951 Swift Rd Sarasota, FL 34231 United States (US) Phone: (941) 923-6363 Fax: (941) 922-3774If you dont have a gummy smile, tads to move the jaw up is not for you, because you mention lip incompetence, you may have another type of jaw issue. A gummy smile can also be caused by teeth that are too far forward (retruding front teeth) or by a class 2Div 2 malocclusion. Mr Fiore is an international experienced Consultant Surgeon with a masters in Aesthetic Surgery and more than 16 years experience in aesthetic medical procedures. A variety of issues can cause this condition. Utilizing a non-surgical approach by injecting small amounts of Botox® into the hyperactive muscle of the upper lip, Dr. Khan will give you a smile that is natural and carefree. Gummy smiles are usually “youthful” smiles and it is important to understand what is too gummy or in medical terms, what is a long upper jaw, or Maxilla. Get rid of that hypermobility. For many individuals, gummy smiles can be a cause of embarrassment or insecurity. A non-extraction treatment plan was decided. While a gummy smile is usually considered a cosmetic issue rather than a. This is known as a gummy smile, and about 10% of the population between 20 and 30 years of age present excessive. 9781If you're concerned about the amount of gum tissue that shows when your smile, you're not alone. Materials and Methods All patients suffered from increased anterior facial height. Gummy smile atau excessive gingival adalah kondisi di mana terlihatnya gusi yang berlebihan ketika seseorang tersenyum. Book your consultation nowTreatment Bottom line A genuine smile, when your lips sweep upward and your sparkling eyes crinkle, is a beautiful thing. Also known as gummy smile surgery, a gingivectomy helps restructure extra gums to mimic the teeth’s natural form. The procedure involves removing soft tissue and sometimes bone to increase the amount of tooth that is visible. Gummy smile is a major esthetic concern which can be related to various intraoral and five extraoral factors. Not only is she my girlfriend, she’s my. Degel on April 23, 2021. 6. Beberapa ahli memperkirakan ada sebanyak 10 persen orang dewasa berusia 20-30 tahun yang mengalami kondisi ini. Botox as a Gummy Smile Treatment. I sometimes think of getting the dental surgery but, knowing myself. For most people, the options are: Orthodontic treatment or braces for when the gummy smile is. For the most part, a gummy smile is something that is completely beyond your control… and the blame rests solely. The manner in which your upper jaw bone grew and developed could cause the appearance of a gummy smile. GUMMY翻译:嘴, 露齿龈的, 黏性, (同 gummed)。了解更多。This is a case presented to report the use of lip repositioning technique as a less invasive method to manage EGD with a combined underlying cause of moderate VME and HUL. Below are typical price ranges for various forms of gummy smile treatment. (203) 744-8280. 1 contact · last 30 days. 8 A “canine smile” is characterized by an elevation over the medial portion of the upper lip via a prominent levator labii superioris action. If you are ready to explore the options to make your smile more appealing, contact Potter Orthodontics to schedule a Complimentary Consultation. Marwan Mouakeh . If I find you attractive then your attractivity + the fact that you are smiling at me > gummy smile. About; Cosmetic;A gummy smile, also known as excessive gingival display, is a smile that shows an excess of gum tissue around the teeth. Purpose: In recent years, a method for improving gummy smiles in adults using an orthodontic anchor screw has been reported, but there is yet to be a treatment for the gummy smiles of those in the growth period. A gummy smile is where a large amount of gum shows below the upper lip. Those whose gummy smiles are a result of enlarged gum tissue would benefit from Botox. It doesn’t take long to recover and the outcome is often positive. Cost Frequently Asked Questions An estimated 10% of adults between the ages of 20 and 30 have excessive gingival display, also known as a "gummy smile. 3 Case 1. Forty years in the correction of gummy smiles have seen the development of new, quite innovative ideas. An “ideal smile” requires the exposure of the entire length of the maxillary teeth with a gingival exposure of 1 to 3 mm (). Bakeman. m. Avoid spicy and crunchy foods. For help finding a periodontist in Connecticut, please. Viviane Trinh DMD Manhattan NYC 10011 Dentist Call +1 212 505 0295 For Appointments. The anatomic landmarks that have to be in harmony are the maxilla, lips, gingival architecture, and teeth. With patients who have a low attachment, there can be some benefit in removing it so that when they’re smiling, the lip doesn’t lift quite as much. is not accepted esthetically by many. How to diagnose gummy smile? The muscle that controls the movement of your upper lip could be hyperactive, causing your upper lip to rise up higher than normal. Tarvade S M, Agrawal G. There are several reasons for having a smile that shows a lot of gums, including having small teeth, having gums that have overgrown the teeth, problems with mouth breathing, overactive lip muscles, or even medications. Diagnosis and treatment aproaches to a "Gummy Smile". One of the top causes of a gummy smile is excessive gum tissue. Beberapa ahli memperkirakan ada sebanyak 10 persen orang dewasa berusia 20-30 tahun yang mengalami kondisi ini. Menu Menu Location 781-899-7070 Contact. Application of onabotulinumtoxinA for treatment of a gummy smile is an effective, safe, minimally invasive, nonsurgical therapy that can significantly improve smile aesthetics and patient satisfaction. Quality porcelain veneers can cost up to $2,500, and insurance isn't likely to cover costs for cosmetic dentistry. It can make you look younger but some people feel it makes them look like they have poor dental hygiene. Mazzuco R, Hexsel D. A “gummy smile,” as the name implies, is the excessive exposure of your gum line when you smile. Essix retainers generally cost between $50 and $200, and Hawley replacement retainers cost between $150 and $300 to replace. Gummy candies, like gummi bears, gummy worms, fruit snacks, and others like them should be avoided at all times while undergoing orthodontic treatment. Among idols, a gummy smile isn't insecurity, but a peculiar trait, making them highly attractive. After 10 months. Anything above that is considered a. 1. Often, it can be regarded as a flaw that discourages people from smiling. he upper lip or gingival display, ranging from 4 to 6 mm‚ were included in the study. We’ve been dating about 3 and a half months now, and I can say with certainty that I’ve never loved anybody the way I love her. Page 10. If you have this condition, rest assured that gummy smiles are quite common. A normal smile comprises of 2/3rd to 3/4th of the teeth being displayed and the rest covered by the lips over it. South Chicago (773)978-1231; East Side (773)978-5828; Calumet City (708)862-2328; Munster (219)836-8200; Evergreen Park (708)425-1134; Oak Lawn (708)425-9101; Crestwood (708)388-4301; Menu. It is effective but can be quite noticeable. 781-899-7070 Location Contact Menu Menu . For instance, if there was an excessive. We read with interest the article by Cengiz et al in the July 2020 issue of American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics in which botulinum toxin injections were used to treat a gummy smile (Cengiz AF, Goymen M, Akcali C. Nowadays, there is not unanimous agreement regarding both classification and management of GS. Namun, berikut beberapa faktor yang dipercaya meningkatkan risikonya. here below some quick information about. Post op instructions for lip repositioning surgery. And in some cases, it’s an issue for the whole upper frontal teeth, including the upper. Laser Gum Lifting from our Stamford and Fairfield County area dentists can recontour and reshape the gums and improve a “gummy smile”. Laser Gum Contouring: While it might sound intense, laser gum contouring is a minimally invasive procedure. • Although a gummy smile is considered a. The Botox freezes the orbicularis oris muscle, allowing less of your gumline to show when you smile. In severe cases, you may even go out of your way to avoid smiling or laughing. Aesthet Surg J. Then your upper lip won’t rise up as high and. A smile with more than 2 mm exposed gingiva is called gummy smile. Invisalign: This treatment option uses a. INTRODUCTION. The. It is done to reduce the amount of gum tissue that is visible when a person smiles, resulting in a more aesthetically pleasing smile. For gummy smile correction, botulinum toxin injection is thought to be an alternative method because it is effective and conservative and has high patient satisfaction. Conclusion: There was a significant improvement in gummy smile 2 weeks after botulinum toxin application, and a significant relapse in the gingival display after 32 weeks, however not returning to. Hsien-Li Peng P, Peng JH. After debonding and debanding, a canine-to-canine lingual retainer was bonded in the mandibular. . If you don’t think this is the cutest thing ever, you’re lying to yourself. Gummy Smile Botox®: a Treatment Option. Gummies can be harmful to your teeth and Their stickiness can cause bits to get. The Best Way to Fix a Gummy Smile. Gummy Smile: An Esthetic Problem. Patients were followed up. There are a number of causes of a gummy smile, however, the most common ones are: Teeth that appear short because they erupted improperly and remain partially covered by gum tissue. Ibuprofen 600–800 mg every 6–8 hours as needed for pain. Look for a toothpaste for sensitive teeth and gums with the ADA seal of acceptance. If you're not and you can get it corrected, go for it. Click here for details. [2] Excessive gingival display, also known as "gummy smile," is the overexposure of the maxillary gingiva while smiling. A common concern, where a large section of the gumline shows above the teeth when smiling. This is a pocket-sized deck. It is thus up to the patient to de-cide whether his or her gummy smile looks displeasing. This treatment is used to correct the gummy smile when the discrepancy is due to the excessive eruption of the upper front teeth. Children’s Dentistry; Dental Sealants; Preventative Dentistry; Wisdom Tooth Extractions; Dental Hygiene;. Gummy smile is naturally occurring in many patients, but it can be worsened and even caused by braces during certain types of orthodontic movements –. If your dentist recommends gum contouring for oral health reasons, dental insurance may cover part of. A variety of issues can cause this condition. Photographs were taken, and measurements were taken before injection and. The gummy smile and crowding were corrected, and the results were stable at 21 months post-treatment. What Our Clients Are Saying:. For my gummy smile, the botox had no effect, so after 2 weeks I was able to come in for a (only $40) touch up. 9781 The 26-year old California local and first-time Dr. Those whose gummy smiles are a result of enlarged gum tissue would benefit from Botox. When there is no excessive gummy smile, and the occlusal plane is in the normal range, intrusion of the mandibular arch should be the primary goal of treatment. You will most likely still show gum tissue above your teeth after completion. Methods: We improved the gummy smiles of three class II patients with vertical excessive growth of the upper jaw, during. The treatment is moderately painless, and post-operative discomfort is typically not severe for the patients. Clinically, the term describes a smile with more than two mm of exposed gum. In the present case report, the patient had a gummy smile of 8mm with an overjet of 14mm and an overbite of 3mm with a C lass II canine relationship on both sides with missing 36,46,16. Gummy smile due to anterior vertical maxillary excess or dentoalveolar extrusion could be effectively corrected with orthognathic surgery by LeFort maxillary impaction. Progress of gummy smile correction. This also includes gummy vitamins or all other sorts of gummy items. This can be done with a laser, electrosurgery or with a scalpel. The advances in technology do not rule out these risks, but they are highly unusual. 47 Oak Street, Stamford, CT 06905 (203) 252-2252. Dermal Fillers: Fillers can be injected into the upper lip to give it more volume. Overactive lip. A “Mona Lisa” smile is dominated by the zygomaticus major muscle and depicted by sharply elevated corners. Quality porcelain veneers can cost up to $2,500, and insurance isn't likely to cover costs for cosmetic dentistry. Smaller teeth, due to a wearing down or genetics. The dentists of Esthetique Dentistry offer quality dental treatment to patients in Ashburn, VA, Frederick, MD, and Stamford, CT. If your gummy smile is due to lip shape or movement, a doctor might suggest severing the muscles that elevate the upper lip when you smile. 4. It will look ugly and make you have horse teeth. Gummy smile treatment with lip fillers. This makes it seem like there’s less space between your teeth. What constitutes a gummy smile is subjective, but a recent study showed that people prefer a maximum of two millimeters of gumline exposed when smiling. The following are some of the most common causes of a. This is a skeletal issue. A gummy smile, known in medical terms as excessive gingival display, is when you smile and too much gum tissue shows above the top teeth. Stamford police. Even though Botox has a transitory effect, 6 months posttreatment the gummy smile was still seen to be within the normal range. Paulen and our dental team at Proud Smiles. It may result from a variety of etiological factors [5], [6]; therefore, proper diagnosis is critical before beginning the treatment [5], [6]. Stamford Smile Arts Is A Stamford, CT Dentist For Cosmetic And Pediatric Dentistry, And Dental Crowns And Bridges. This will result in a gummy appearance. A gummy smile is one that shows more gum than usual when smiling. Dentistry by Dr. This type of facial malformation also presents, in many cases, a vertical excess of the upper jaw that gives the patient a face that is too long and not very harmonious. A hyperactive upper lip that is normal in length when the. he upper lip or gingival display, ranging from 4 to 6 mm‚ were included in the study. Have you ever looked at yourself in the mirror or in a photo and wished your smile was a little bit…brighter? If so, you're hardly alone. Introduction. If you have noticed by now, most of the causes of a gummy smile are either connected to your lip, gum, or teeth. When it comes to gummy smiles, gingivectomy (a. Improvement was clear 2 weeks after Botox injection. These are actually the key components that contribute to a. Dental professionals generally define a gummy smile as having more than three millimeters of exposed gum. Penyebab gummy smile. It signals joy and human connection. Nejad. We specialize in creating positive vibes and bringing a smile to your face with quality oil and terpenes, lab tested for safety. They are have advanced training the replacement of missing teeth with. Home; Patient Info. It may be due to one or more of the following etiologies; altered passive eruption of teeth, dentoalveolar extrusion. syndrome. Gummy smile, also known as excessive gingival display, is a common esthetic problem that patients increasingly ask their orthodontists to treat. Excess gum tissue can also occur due to a condition. It can cost $3,000 or more to have all of your top front teeth done. However, oftentimes the teeth are fully developed and can be uncovered. Efficacy of botulinum toxin for treating a gummy smile. Case 1. gum lift) procedures are an increasingly popular option. This study aimed to present an organized and comprehensive. When Jennie’s truly delighted, you can see the smile reach her eyes. LONDON: 58 South Molton Street, Mayfair, London, W1K 5SL. When Jennie’s truly delighted, you can see the smile reach her eyes. To have this type of smile, your levator labii superiosis facial muscles have to be dominant since they move first to expose your cuspid teeth in your mouth. It is very common, specifically, it has a prevalence of 43. Methods: We improved the gummy smiles of three class II patients with vertical excessive growth of the upper jaw, during. Contact our dental practice to schedule a consultation. A gummy smile, also known as excessive gingival display, is a smile that shows an excess of gum tissue around the teeth. If you are dissatisfied with your smile showing too much of your gum, explore your options. 5. 1. The application of botulinum toxin is an alternative less invasive. Traynor for personalized treatments and a perfect smile. Jennie’s delighted smile. Costs range from $50 to $350 for one tooth or up to $3,000 for all of your front top teeth. When this occurs, more of your gum tissue is exposed when you smile. This chapter discusses the use of TADs for treating “gummy smile” by focusing on diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis. Patients with mixed gummy smile were injected at the same point in addition to two other points corresponding to the insertion of the zygomaticus muscle, which are a point slightly above the deepest point of contraction at the nasolabial fold, and the other point was midway between the ala of the nose and the oral commissure at the level of the. Lastly, you might get a gummy smile as a result of an overgrowth of your upper jaw. com. Answer: Gummie Smile. B. He is passionate about promoting a concept of natural beauty based on symmetry, balance and proportion. 2. Hi there, handsome! pinterest. Introduction.